Man helps dog live life to the fullest after she’s diagnosed with cancer

A cancer diagnosis is one of the most dreaded things a person can hear. And when it affects a loved one? It really turns your world upside down.

In May 2015, just after Robert Kugler graduated college, he was hit with some tough news: his 9-year-old Chocolate Lab named Bella had cancer, and was only given 3-6 months to live. Desperate for more time, Kugler made a decision that would buy them just a little more time together.

“They said this is the worst news I could give you- she had advanced osteosarcoma and it’s already in her lungs so you need to either take her leg today or put her down,” Kugler said to WOWT.

Bella got the surgery, and Kugler, a Nebraska native, decided that they should live the rest of Bella’s life to the fullest: the two of them were going to embark on a cross-country adventure. Among their travels, the duo has explored parts of North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Florida, Massachusetts and Ohio.

“I feel like right now this is my purpose. It’s the chapter in my life right now is just exploring with my dog,” he said in the news story.

Perhaps it’s because this dog-dad and marine veteran is no stranger to the tragedy of untimely deaths.

“I lost my brother in Iraq in 2007 and my oldest sister in a car accident two Easters ago. When you see lives end shortly before people get to do many of things they dream of doing, it changes your perspective on life,” he explained in a story by Mashable.

“I just saw firsthand what happens when you don’t do what you want to do in your life and that’s that, you don’t get to do it,” he told the news station.

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It seems like the good times and good vibes have also been good for Bella- it’s been over a year since her diagnosis, and the two are still exploring.

“Memorial Day, 2015…shortly after losing her leg. When I shot this photo, I thought our time was going to be much shorter than it has. What a blessing to still be going 14 months later,” Kugler captioned this photo on Facebook.

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Best of luck to these best friends. We know these beautiful memories will last you a lifetime! See more pictures from the pair’s explorations on Robert Kugler’s Facebook page.

(h/t: Mashable)

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